Hello, in the lead up to Christmas (as if you didn't know), time is flying...We've been busy sewng and sewing and doing lots of planning & ordering new fabrics for 2010, so let me update you.
Firstly something to share from me - I made this following directions from a pattern from Audrey & Maude (which we currently have in store). I'm very happy with it - I even quilted most of it myself (Evol did the border).
Next, Peggys madly sewing up goodies to include on our Stall for the Craft Fair which is happening 27 & 28 November. As well we thought we'd take along all the quilts & samples we've made over the past year and add them to our goodies for sale (It's very exciting planning new quilts, displays & classes for 2010, but first we need to clear the decks).
Peggy ran a class in the shop a week or so ago using the wonderful Marti Michell Hexagon Template. I haven't seen any finished quilts yet, but here are a couple of the 'works in progress'
Very nice, don't you think?
We've also received quite a few new fabrics lately and here are a few of our favourites -
This one actually says - Police Line Do Not Cross - I could have used this when my kids were growing up!
So we think this will present a bit of a challenge to our regular quilters and we're really looking forward to seeing how these fabrics get used!
While on the subject of Challenges, don't forget to get your entries in to us by the end of this month. In case you've forgotten the rules are quite simple
- You must use at least 30% fabric from the Classic Red range from Fabri-Quilt
- You can make anything
- It mustn't be any bigger than 1m across
- It can't be square or rectangle
We have some great prizes on offer, so just for fun, we'd love everyone to give it a try. Give us a call or send an email if you have any questions.
Kim brought in her Mystery Quilt to show us today - Kim moved to Georgetown a coupld of months ago and kept forgetting to bring it with her whenever she visited:
It's worked out really well. It's very pretty and I can picture it on a beautful old bed with white sheets & lace. The colour hasn't come through on the photo because the main fabric is a pretty green with a small white spot. Kim said she hasn't really enjoyed making it - using two different sewing machines to construct it, with two different 1/4 feet (that somehow are not the same width), meant a fair amount of confusion and reverse sewing. I still think it's lovely Kim, and I look forward to seeing it quilted and bound.
Still have a couple more mystery quilts to see completed, I'll have to give their makers a reminder!
Finally, before I go I received another UFO update from Christina that I'd better share:
Yes, I've been slack in UFOs and in sending emails............... I think this will be the last lot of UFOs for the year. It looks like there may be changes in our lives that will be time consuming for the rest of the year, as well as holidays, and a combined 60/21 party for Dad and Sherry. I reached my 18 projects quite a few weeks ago so these ones are a bonus!!!
I must be getting a reputation for being the "Queen of UFOs". I was introduced to a complete stranger last week and she said "OH! Are you the UFO Christina???? " (Hi Margo)
My pile of UFOs appears to have halved so that's good news-maybe 2010 will have to be the YEAR OF THE UFO as well:):)
Photo 1 is a new quilt for Kieren. He chose the fabric in Melbourne in March 2008 so it has been a long time coming. It's a very teenage boy quilt so I wanted the label to reflect that. This is the label:
It’s October 2009 and you are 13 and a half.
· You call your Father “Boofhead” of “Short Stuff”
· Your room is a bomb site!!!!!
· You are excelling at school
· You spend every spare moment buying, fixing and modifying remote control rock crawlers.
· You have an after school job at Nogoa Engineering
· Your voice is breaking and you sound like a sea lion
· You mumble and grunt
· You are reading Clive Cussler and Matthew Reilly books
· You have mastered the Rip Stick
Above all, I love you deeply. I am so proud of the “man” you are becoming. You are smart, funny, obedient and empathetic. My dream for you is to become as wonderful as your Father.
With love
Pieced and Quilted by Christina Rasmussen for her son Kieren.
Border fabric purchased together in Melbourne.
Next a quilt hot off the sewing machine. I think it may go eventually to an elderly lady in aged care. I am getting better at quilting. I really love how well the white parts of the quilt turned out once quilted. The way the quilt went together meant it was a bit lumpy in places prior to quilting-now it just looks stunning.
Then these are the folder covers I made for Kieren's teachers as a thank you. These people are the most amazing set of teachers imaginable. He will be saying goodbye to some of them as he moves from middle school to senior school in 2010. When Kieren left his last school in Feb 2008 he was getting D's for English. I recieved a letter last week saying he is getting the Middle School Subject Prize for English this year!!!!!!!!!!!!! If that isn't testament to amazing teaching I don't know what is. The link to instructions for making these folders is: http://exuberantcolor.blogspot.com/2008/11/patchwork-journal-cover-tutorial.html

Last but certainly not least is a Sleepover bag made with a Melly and Me pattern. It's a great size for going to classes. 
Thanks for coming on a UFO ride with me........................ It's been a bit of a wild one.........................
Love as always
That's all for today,